P.O.W ⚡️1st Nov 2017
Pearls of wisdom November 1st 2017
Here’s what I’m loving this week;
1. All the feedback on my new blog. Thank you so much to those that have contacted me. I’d love it even more if you liked the Facebook page @thecareermum.co.uk or even better joined our group. It’s good to talk.
2. The positive feedback about mentoring, including those willing to help. It’s made me realise what a brilliant global network of fabulous women I have - and I have the opportunity to connect you all. Watch this space. I’ll also be taking some tips from Rav Bumbra who goes in to organisations and trains people on how to be a good mentor. If you haven’t already, please take 2 mins to complete my Mentoring survey
3. Finding out about all the other networks driven to the cause to empower women (and speaking with them). I look forward to sharing more about Womo , Pregnant then screwed , and Premier parents Perhaps this can be the place where they are all linked together for your ease of use.
What I’m not loving this week ⬇️
The fact that maternity discrimination is still happening. I was listening to a radio debate - if discrimination takes place you have to log it within 3 months. If you’re about to or have just had a baby this would be the last thing on your mind. One of the panelist’s (an older lady) called us the ‘snowflake generation’ - where there’s a blame there’s a claim. I’m all for not blaming a whole coperation for 1 or two peoples inadequate handling of the process, however clear discrimination needs to be stopped! What do you think? Has it happened to you?
Soon I’ll be launching my Pearls of Wisdom video blogging and I’m excited about the speakers that I’ve already approached. If you have something to share and would like to be on the schedule, get in touch.
Thanks for reading.